PATREON| See all my art earlier than everyone else, vote for new projects, join my Patron Discord, etc!
TWITTER| Easy way to follow my work, get updates on cons/merch, etc.
TELEGRAM CHANNEL| All the same content as my twitter, except its sent right to your Telegram (with notifs!) And if you want, join the attached Discussion Channel to chat about new posts.

FURAFFINITY // Ol' Reliable. /td>
PILLOWFORT // Like Tumblr, except they're extremely and blatently cool with porn. It rules!
E621 // Probably the most complete browseable archive of my work atm, at least until I learn how to code and host my own booru, lol. I upload everything here myself.

BRAEBURNED.COM // Physical merch store! Comics, stickers, pins, dakis, and more. Opens every few months; follow my Twitter/Telegram for updates on when it opens.
COMMISS.IO // Digital downloads store. Here you can find full downloadable archives of my older work, mostly free.

COMMISSION INFO| If you're wondering about how/when I take comms, all the info you need is here.
PICZEL| This is where I livestream art work! Give this a follow and you'll get emails whenever I go live.
F-LIST| Wanna know exactly what kind of kinks and concepts i'm into, either for comms, fanart, or just curiousity? Here's a big organized list of 'em!
FURSUIT TWITTER // This is where I post all the photos I take in my fursuit, Olli the Alpaca (who you might recognize from my comic "609").

GAME SOUNDTRACKS // i enjoy preparing high quality recordings and remasters of game soundtracks, often from original hardware. i've been doing this ever since i was a kid, recording game music to audio cassette to take with me.

CHARACTERS // a collection of character sheets/reference pages for my dumb animals, or fursonas. these pages have a lot of images and audio, so watch out!
OTHER STUFF // dumping grounds for assorted media and creative resources. sample packs, vocal tracks, graphic assets, old work, and so on. it's kind of a mess, but maybe you'll find something interesting or useful.
PSX FANDOM // the PlayStation has nearly 3000 games. i've skimmed through and researched over a thousand, and a couple hundred of those wound up being worth documenting. primarily deeper cuts, but i do cover some basics in here.